Sunday, February 19, 2012

Ode to Lela

Firstly I would just like to say, that I am a little annoyed. Today is Monday. Therefore I had a legitimate reason to waffle about what ever 'philosophical' stuff I wanted to. Do you think I can think of anything? No. So instead I thought I would do a belated Valentine's Day-ish tribute to my co-Two Mummy Ducker and to our friendship. Partly because I thought of it and partly to see if she is really checking in to see what rubbish I am writing on our joint blog in our joint names! (*waves* Hi Lela).

This is post is really about one particular aspect. I could write for ages but I would sound stupid and you would all begin to wonder what I had done that I was sucking up to her about.

But I think my favourite thing about our friendship is that in addition to being able to tell Lela everything, I love that we can share our excitement over whatever our latest scheme is. Whether we are planning on doing something together or separately. We can share, get excited and then, after we have been excited, we can talk about details and realities (or otherwise about what we are planning on doing).

For example:-
  1. Hundreds of ideas I have had for various books (so far none have been completed but Lela has sounded supportive about every one).
  2. An investment club (I have posted about this previously if you are interested. Definitely joint enthusiasm! Both times).
  3. Lela's business (I hope I was enthusiastic! And definitely a successful venture).
  4. Virtual bookclub (recent plan. Will let you know if it works).
  5. Two Mummy Duck adventuring (we are having fun so I think this counts!).
These are just a few examples, but yesterday's 'adventure' I think was one of our stranger ones. And please note, I am using the term 'adventure' very loosely.

Lela's sister-in-law is starting as a consultant for a company that sells, amongst other things, body wraps. Lela is a lovely supportive SIL and has agreed to have a party. Not only that she is so excited about these products that she has got me excited and ready to book a party before I have even seen them!

They are beyond cool. I lost more then 4 cm off my stomach (around my belly button) within a few hours. So clearly her enthusiasm was justified. But we must have looked insanely funny. The children were very confused about all these women getting gladwrap around there tummies. Then we are all rubbing them for best results. My youngest watched with great interest as I carefully re-marked my stomach so I can measure again this afternoon and at 48 hours and 72 hours!

We will update you later on how it all goes from that point of view. What made me smile the most is the wonderfulness of having friends who uplift you and encourage you and laugh with you rather then the ones who drag you down. Our heads are allowed to be in the clouds for a little while before you need to plant your feet on the ground. And being grounded doesn't mean you can't dream!

Thursday, February 16, 2012


I know I have blogged here before about perspectives and for some bizarre reason this blog at the moment is about me musing, but for the moment you will just have to make do with that! Realistically, this was a ten(ish) year goal so I guess it is not surprising that the actual TMDing is going to slow down sometimes.

Sometimes I need to set myself long term goals. Sometimes I can only cope with short term ones. You know, like get out of my pyjamas or do the dishes (I struggle with do the dishes, but I would happily live in my pyjamas).

I got my six monthly statement for the TMD bank account today! It doesn't have a lot in it. But wow! We have an account. With real money. It feels like a goal achieved! The simple act of changing a dream into a goal is an accomplishment in itself. Well I think it is anyway.

Other things I have achieved this week:
  1. A fortnight of work. There was no annual leave or sick leave on my last pay slip. After the last four months this is a major achievement.
  2. Someone gave my other blog an award! So excited.
  3. I have survived the rollar-coaster journey of the last 32 years of my life and have come out realtively unscathed! And I am looking forward to the next 64ish (hopefully more. I am planning on living until I am 108).
  4. I helped my babies through the loss of a beloved pet.
  5. I have blogged.
  6. I spent a whole day gardening (this was actually a week or two ago but was such a big thing for me that I am going to mention it anway).
  7. I  have started back at circuit class.
What have you done this week? Remember to celebrate your achievements. It is much more fun then feeling bad about what you didn't get done.

Cath xx

PS Yes, at the moment I am using the Monday Musing label rather loosely! When we start blogging more about other things I promise I will cut my musing back to one day a week!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Money matters

I think I have mentioned previously that Lela and I are a part of an investment network? Well to be more accurate, we were a part of an investment network which was disolved for a variety of reasons. I think I also mentioned that three of us decided we wanted to try again. We learnt heaps from our experience last time and we wanted to give it another go. I would also like to go on the record as saying we made money. Not a fortune, but defintely some. And realistically, with shares, if you haven't lost it almost counts as a double win. (I am most definitely a glass half full person!). Anyhow, we had our first official meeting tonight after a couple of informal get togethers. There are nine of us who are keen to get going. All of us with different backgrounds and experience, but I think collectively we have a bit more knowledge then last time and I think definitely more drive to learn. Other then Lela and the other original friend Jane, I don't know any of the others and I am looking forward to getting to know new people and hopefully learning from them too! Interestingly, out of our original group of 7, Jane was the only one who I wasn't friends with prior to starting. Jane was a friend of my cousin's and spent most of the last few years feeling old around us. Tables are turned this time! She is the common link with most of the other people and Lela and I are the youngest! It has been a pretty stressful few months for me financially and I am very much excited about taking steps towards a more secure financial future. This would be the investment club side of it. Just for fun we are also talking about doing a lotto syndicate. Lela has deemed she is our lucky mascot (last time we got a great return on some random shares we bought simply because they were Lela's intials) and that we are therefore going to win Lotto. So who knows, it might actually make us millions too ;) Have a happy week peoples! Cath xx

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Just to prove the point

Just a quick postcript to yesterday's post. Another reason 2012 is going to be amazing! I took my ducklings to the museum today. The museum is conveniently located next to the state museum which has a great discard bookshop. Clearly I needed to visit it while we were there. Lucky I did! Outside were banners proclaiming that 2012 is the National Year of Reading (in Australia anyway). Enjoy the rest of your weekend. I will. I have "new" books ;) Cath xx

Friday, February 3, 2012

Self Fulfilling Prophecy

This post probably would have made more sense in early January, but I am claiming it as being one of the first few days of the New Year in the Chinese calendar, or reflection as I approach my birthday and enter a new year for me. Really you may justify it anyway you like! Or I guess, as this is my blog, it pretty much means I can waffle as much as I like (and that I am the only person to blame if you all stop following to me as clearly I just talk too much about nothing. I am like this in real life too. Just ask Lela).

But back to the point. After much consideration I have decided this year is going to be awesome. Why you may ask? Three simple reasons. First 'Twenty Twelve' is just simply much easier to say then 'Twenty Eleven'. I feel this bodes well.

Secondly, I just knew it was going to be a fabulous year once I found out it was the Chinese Year of the Dragon. (See? My opening paragraph did have some relevance) and I just love dragons. I don't know when or why this started but I actually have quite a nice little collection of them. It also makes it easy for people to get me presents when they have no other ideas!

The final, and most important, reason is I simply believe in self-fulfilling prophecy. If you believe things are going to work out, in most cases they will. A lot of the time it is all about your perspective. Clearly not always, but a lot of the time it is.

If anyone is still reading, wishing you a very happy year of the Dragon (even if I am a few days too late!) and I hope 2012 is a year where you get to make some of your dreams come true!

Cath xx

PS Apologies to anyone who also follows me at Mummies Are People Too. Halfway through writing this I couldn't out which blog this belonged on so decided to post it on both. I have also realised this should really have been a Monday Musing post, but because you are all special, you can all have it on Friday instead!