So ... in case you missed my earlier post it is ;) here, but we are pleased to announce (drum roll) we have officially been on our first official TMD excursion!
(Just for clarity, Lela is italics, and responds to Catherine in bold italics. Catherine is non-italics and responds to Lela in bold non-italics)
Firstly I need to say that we made an effort to dress the part. I attempted to wear a head band fascinantor type thing. I love hats and hair things and scarves and stuff but never quite feel I have the knack of wearing them. For some reason I feel TMD adventures will give me the confidence I need. Oooo and I wore make up!
Second drama was that of parking. Let me first say that as a general rule we are very law abiding citizens. Really. Plus it was dark and cold and rainy and we were on a very tight time schedule. Not because we were running late! But because we have children. Trust me. But parking in the motorcycle bay, I think was justified. It was raining and wet, no one was going to ride in that weather.
Performed by three actors, The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) was a hoot! It was really funny, had local references (a reference to the training centre in my home town, negative implications, but funny none the less) and was fast paced.
The actors looked like they were genuinely having fun, not that the actors wouldn't be haven't fun, but that fun camaraderie was contagious and inclusive for the audience.
So basically a good time was had by all and we are already looking forward to our next TMD adventure! If you have any ideas of things you think we could or should do ... please let us know!
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