Thursday, February 9, 2012

Money matters

I think I have mentioned previously that Lela and I are a part of an investment network? Well to be more accurate, we were a part of an investment network which was disolved for a variety of reasons. I think I also mentioned that three of us decided we wanted to try again. We learnt heaps from our experience last time and we wanted to give it another go. I would also like to go on the record as saying we made money. Not a fortune, but defintely some. And realistically, with shares, if you haven't lost it almost counts as a double win. (I am most definitely a glass half full person!). Anyhow, we had our first official meeting tonight after a couple of informal get togethers. There are nine of us who are keen to get going. All of us with different backgrounds and experience, but I think collectively we have a bit more knowledge then last time and I think definitely more drive to learn. Other then Lela and the other original friend Jane, I don't know any of the others and I am looking forward to getting to know new people and hopefully learning from them too! Interestingly, out of our original group of 7, Jane was the only one who I wasn't friends with prior to starting. Jane was a friend of my cousin's and spent most of the last few years feeling old around us. Tables are turned this time! She is the common link with most of the other people and Lela and I are the youngest! It has been a pretty stressful few months for me financially and I am very much excited about taking steps towards a more secure financial future. This would be the investment club side of it. Just for fun we are also talking about doing a lotto syndicate. Lela has deemed she is our lucky mascot (last time we got a great return on some random shares we bought simply because they were Lela's intials) and that we are therefore going to win Lotto. So who knows, it might actually make us millions too ;) Have a happy week peoples! Cath xx

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