I sew. I love sewing. I run a small business that sells some of my sewing. But I don't often sew for myself. Part of this is because I don't like my size and how clothes sit on me. And mostly because I am time poor and I spend much of my sewing time on creations that bring in money.
However winter is approaching and a lady needs to have a coat for luncheon dates. Last year Gertie of Gertie's New Blog for Better Sewing hosted a sew along for the Colette Lady Grey pattern.
Firstly Colette patterns. They are exquisite. When I picture a lady traveling the world and seeing the sights, I imagine a lady wearing clothes made from these patterns. And the blog is a wealth of information too.
Anyhow back to Gertie. Back when she proposed the Lady Grey sew along I remember thinking, 'ack, we are going into summer, I really don't want to be sewing a coat in the heat of summer' (I live in the southern hemisphere). So I sat back and enjoyed reading the sew along. Now the seasons have changed and I'm a lady on a mission (with a goal), I'm in need of a coat. And it is never too late to start. Right.
This is going to take a while, I may will need to allow more time than Gertie proposed in the sew along (about 5 weeks) as I still have to do my business sewing and normal raising 4 kids type stuff. However I will try my best and link to the relevant posts as I sew along at my own pace. I'll aim to have a coat fit for a lady in about 8 weeks.
So (sew!), first up will be the muslin. I will start this part on Monday and have a blog post up by Tuesday. In the meantime, I'm having a think about what fabric I want for the coat, and I'm thinking red, and something luxurious, perhaps a trip to Fabulous Fabrics with my lady friend is in order?
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