First just the reminder: Lela is italics, and responds to Catherine in bold italics. Catherine is non-italics and responds to Lela in bold non-italics.
And the inspiration hasn't just been from the movies but also from blogland.
Portobello Lane is on my wish list now. Courtesy of 'Bedknobs and Broomsticks' and blogger 'Did you say six?'(who co-incidentally became our third follower and first commenter!). You can check out the post that inspired me here.
Ooooo love this movie so much.
Buckingham Palace. Need I say more! Can't go to London unless we schedule in a visit with the queen (or her home at least).

Boadicea Statue. My 4th born, if he had been a girl would have been named Boadicea. I think it is a beautiful name, and although the story of Boadicea has brutal parts, she was one hell of a woman. I totally agree it is a fascinating story. She is someone I always have every intention of reading more about, but it never seems to quite get around to happening. This statue can be found in Westminister, London

And while we are looking at statues of what my would have been daughter would have been named after, we might as well go look at something my 4th born was named after (sort of). My son was named after Cadel Evans, the cyclist, because Tour De France was on around the time of his birth a wonderful early King in Welsh history and also another Cadell, Saint Cadell. Of course.
Well I found out about the King after he was born, and I just found out about the saint while I was searching for a pic for this blog post........ Anyway 'ol King Cadell goes way back, and a visit to a castle from around his time (from what I understand it wasn't HIS castle, but it is in the same area) would be kind of cool.
Oh the idea of Saint Cadel(l) makes me laugh soooo much! (In a very loving type way of course!). Ooh .. maybe this is how he has survived so many Stuntman adventures?
While we are on the topic of castles ... we have to stay in one! Just one night. At some point we need to discuss critera for said-castle stay, but I think that will be a whole post in itself!
Oooo definitely. A big stone one.

Image of parade celebrating Shakespeare birthday!
And of course the other place we need to visit is Stratford-upon-Avon for the love of all things Shakespeare (and yes for those of you who have been following we do have a post coming about our recent TMD adventures).Definately. We can even visit the schoolhouse where his teacher sat!

And maybe his grave. I just found out there is a cursed attached!
I like graves, I didn't even realise his grave was around!
And maybe even the reconstructed Globe Theatre in London?
So a few more places on our wish list ...
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