Monday, June 13, 2011

It is the little things

Lela posted a few weeks ago about using 5c coins and change jars for saving. Suddenly 5c and 10c and 20c have a whole new meaning! I am now picking up random coins, putting them in the jar before the girls see them (mean mummy I know!) and not using change when I buy things to round to the nearest whole dollar. You know what I mean (eg when something costs $6.20 and you give them $10.20 so you don't end up with a whole heap of 'little' coins). Now I want those coins for my jar, I don't mind getting more of them!

$112 (and something cents see the Tally up Tuesday post below) may not seem like a lot in the overall scheme of things. But it is! Well, it is a lot out of my weekly budget at least to put it practically, and for us Two Mummy Ducks it really means we have begun! In case anyone is doing the sums towards our initial goal of $20,000 and our target of 2020 we do realise that we will need to re-assess our contributions at some point but at the moment it is a great start!

Can I share a thought with you today? I know it isn't Monday! But it made me think and apparently at the moment for me to think is to blog, and this felt like the blog to post it on!

At the train station there is this lady who collects money for the Salvation Army on a regular basis. Not every day, but at least once a week. She is fairly elderly (obviously I don't know exactly how old) and has been collecting there in all weather for as long as I can remember. At least 15 years I would say if not more. I work on the theory that if she can stand there (and today was freezing) the least I can do is give her something. I didn't have a gold coin today, so she got my silver change. It only came to about 90c I think (remember I have been putting it all in my change jar at home) so it wasn't a lot. I felt bad it was so little. But when I thought about it I realised that for me that silver change is now part of a dream and I have a new appreciation for how much it is worth. Today that dream isn't mine. Today I am hoping that those few coins will make a difference in someone's life. My dream with my change jar is for a luxury and this is ok! But I know my little thing today will be part of a big thing for someone else's dream of survival. The little thing was given with love and prayers and hope.

And in case you are wondering how you make a difference, we are so very, very excited about our two followers! (Hello!) And hello to anyone else out there who is reading but not "following" (yet?!). The little thing of you sharing our journey with us means a lot!

Have a fabulous day!!!

Cath xxx


  1. ah-hem your 3 followers! :)
    Brilliant idea to blog the progress and how you get to there.
    There was a time that change was spare to me (ok a long time ago but still) but when you have dreams & ambitions the small change counts the most.

  2. Hello third follower! And our first person to comment! You have made our day :) Thank you for joining us!
