Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday Musing .... on Tuesday ;)

I have pretty much worked out 'Monday Musing' is just an excuse for me (or Lela if she is inspired to as well) to write a post about whatever comes into my head. Consider this your warning! This post is waffley and really has no point :)

Today I don't have any inspirational quote. Nothing has sprung to mind and plus you might be sick of me philosophising by now! Today I am musing on my muse. I fell in love with history when I was about 6 or 7 and I took out a book from my school library on children in 'olden days'. It really was the olden days late nineteenth history I think from memory. Then a children's book followed on English history. The story I remember was of one of the boy kings and a whipping boy for when he got into trouble! (I can't remember which king it was now.) Followed by the story of the princes smothered in the tower.

A few years later, my mum gave me some Jean Plaidy books to read. I must have been about 10? Maybe even younger. I was hooked. After high school, I went on to study history at university (specialising in European and Australian history) and completed my Honours thesis on a topic about late nineteenth century England.

The point of this waffle isn't to point out how much I know. If anything it is me reflecting on how little I know. I am only too aware of how little I have really studied. I grew up reading not only a Enid Blyton, but a lot of other children's books from around that era. Many years of reading, fiction and non-fiction, has given me a mental image of what it is like. So, for those of you who bothered about reading my musing to the end, the question is, will I ever be ready for the shock of the reality? And is it really weird I have spent so much time studying places I have never been?

Cath xx

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